
This is a complete list of my publications, up to date as of June 2023. You will find some of them on & Research Gate. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need access to any of these.

My Ph.D. dissertation is entitled “Political Talk, Incivility, and Intolerance in Digital Platforms”, and is available in Portuguese.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need access to any of the papers below.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Rossini, P. (2023). Reassessing the Role of Inclusion in Political Communication Research. Political Communication, 0(0), 1–5.

Rossini, P.; Southern, R.; Harmer, E., Stromer-Galley, J. (2023). Unleash Britain’s Potential (To Go Negative): Campaign Negativity in the 2017 and 2019 UK General Elections on Facebook. Political Studies Review.

Novotná, M., Macková, A., Bieliková, K., & Rossini, P. (2023). Barriers to Participation in Polarized Online Discussions About Covid-19 and the Russo-Ukrainian War. Media and Communication, 11(3).

Rossini, P.; Mont’Alverne, C.; Kalogeropoulos, A. (2023). Explaining beliefs in electoral misinformation in the 2022 Brazilian election: The role of ideology, political trust, social media, and messaging apps. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review.

Rossini, P. (2023). Farewell to Big Data? Studying Misinformation in Mobile Messaging Applications. Political Communication, 0(0), 1–6.

McKernan, B., Rossini, P., Stromer-Galley., J. (2023). Echo Chambers, Cognitive Thinking Styles, and Mistrust? Examining the Roles Information Sources and Information Processing Play in Conspiracist Ideation. International Journal of Communication, 17: 1–24.

Stromer-Galley, J.; Rossini, P.; Hemsley, J.; Bolden, S.; McKernan, B. (2022). Political Messaging Over Time: A Comparison of U. S. Presidential Candidate Facebook Posts and Tweets in 2016 and 2020. Social Media & Society.

McKernan, B., Stromer-Galley, J., Korsunska, A., Bolden, S., Rossini, P, Hemsley, J. (2022). “A human-centered design approach to creating tools to help journalists monitor digital political ads: Insights and challenges”. Digital Journalism.

Rossini, P., Stromer-Galley, J., & Korsunska, A. (2021). More than “Fake News”?: The media as a malicious gatekeeper and a bully in the discourse of candidates in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Journal of Language and Politics.

Rossini, P. (2021). More Than Just Shouting? Distinguishing Interpersonal-Directed and Elite-Directed Incivility in Online Political Talk. Social Media + Society, 7(2), 20563051211008828. doi: 10.1177/20563051211008827

Rossini, P., Baptista, É. A., Oliveira, V. V., & Stromer-Galley, J. (2021). Digital Media Landscape in Brazil: Political (Mis)Information and Participation on Facebook and WhatsApp. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 1. doi: 10.51685/jqd.2021.015

Rossini, P., & Maia, R. C. M. (2021). Characterizing Disagreement in Online Political Talk: Examining Incivility and Opinion Expression on News Websites and Facebook in Brazil. Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 17(1), pp. 90–104. DOI: 

Rossini, P., Sturm-Wikerson, H., & Johnson, T. J. (2020). A wall of incivility? Public discourse and immigration in the 2016 U.S. Primaries. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 0(0), 1–15.

Rossini, P., Stromer-Galley, J. Baptista, E., Oliveira, V. (2020). Dysfunctional Information Sharing on WhatsApp and Facebook: The Role of Political Talk, Cross-Cutting Exposure and Social Corrections. New Media & Society. 

Rossini, P. (2020). Beyond Incivility: Understanding Patterns of Uncivil and Intolerant Discourse in Online Political Talk. Communication Research.

Stromer-Galley, J., Rossini, P., Kenski, K., McKernan, B., Clegg, B., Folkestad, J., Østerlund, C., Schooler, L., Boichak, O., Canzonetta, J., Martey, R. M., Pavlich, C., Tsetsi, E., & McCracken, N. (2020). Flexible versus structured support for reasoning: Enhancing analytical reasoning through a flexible analytic technique. Intelligence and National Security, 1–20.

Rossini, P., Stromer-Galley, J., Zhang, F. (2020). Exploring the Relationship Between Campaign Discourse on Facebook and the Public’s Comments: A Case Study of Incivility During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Political Studies.

Baptista, E. A., Rossini, P., Oliveira, V. V., Stromer-Galley, J. (2019). The Circulation of Political Information on WhatsApp and Facebook. Lumina, 13(3), 29–46.  10.34019/1981-4070.2019.v13.28667

Stromer-Galley, J., Rossini, P., Kenski, K., Folkestad, J., McKernan, B., Martey, R. M., Clegg, B., Østerlund, C., & Schooler, L. (2018). User-Centered Design and Experimentation to Develop Effective Software for Evidence-Based Reasoning in the Intelligence Community: The Trackable Reasoning and Analysis for Crowdsourcing and Evaluation. Computing in Science and Engineering 20(6), 35–42.

Rossini, P., Hemsley, J., Tanupabrungsun, S., Zhang, F., & Stromer-Galley, J. (2018). Social media, opinion polls, and the use of persuasive messages during the 2016 US election primaries. Social Media + Society, 4(3), .

Rossini, P., Stromer-Galley, J., Kenski, K., Hemsley, J., Zhang, F., & Dobreski, B. (2018). The relationship between race competitiveness, standing in the polls, and social media communication strategies during the 2014 U.S. gubernatorial campaigns. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 1–17.

Maia, R. C. M., Cal, D., Oliveira, V. V., Vimeiro, A. C., Hauber, G., & Rossini, P. G. C. (2018). Deliberation across a space of reasons: Assessing epistemic changes in group discussions. Human Communication Research.

Rossini, P. G. C. , Oliveira, V. V.(2016). E-Democracy and collaborative lawmaking: the discussion of political reform in Brazil. International Journal of Communication, 10, 4620-4640.

Maia, R., Cal., D., Bargas, J., Veiga, V., Rossini, P., Sampaio, R. (2017) Authority and deliberative moments: Assessing equality and inequality in deeply divided groups. Journal of Public Deliberation. v.3(2), Article 7.

Maia, R. C.M., Cal, D. Hauber, G., Oliveira, V. V., Rossini, P. G. C., Sampaio, R. C., & Garcez, R. L. (2017). Conversation and deliberation across sensitive issues: a study on the use of media arguments on interpersonal debates. Galáxia (PUCSP), v. 34, p. 55-72.

Rossini, P. G. C., Baptista, E. A., Oliveira, V. V., Sampaio, R. C. (2016). Facebook use in the 2014 presidential elections in Brazil: The interplay between public opinion polls and campaign strategies. Revista Fronteiras, 18, 145-157.

Maia, R. C. M. , Rossini, P. G. C.., Oliveira, V. V. , Gonçalves, A. (2015). On the importance of analyzing different platforms on online deliberation studies. Opinião Pública (UNICAMP), 21, 490-513.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2015) Digital campaigns: findings, challenges and transformations in two decades of scholarship and practice: an interview with Jennifer Stromer-Galley. Revista Compolitica, 5, 173-185.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2014). From networks to the streets: social media as new weapons on struggles for recognition? Comunicação & Sociedade (Online), 36, 301-325.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2014). Citizen’s role on digital democracy platforms in Brazil: An analysis of the interactive design of legislative communities on Portal E-Democracia. Revista Compolitica, 4, 111-134.

Rossini, P. G. C., Sanglard, F. N., Leal, P. R. F. (2014). National political figures and local elections: the debate around vote transference in the 2012 elections in Juiz de For a – MG. Lumina, 8, 1-29.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2013). Social Network Sites from a Distributed Cognition Perspective: a dialogue with Actor-Network Theory? TECCOGS: Revista Digital de Tecnologias Cognitivas, 8, 131-145.

Rossini, P. G. C., Leal, P. R. F (2013). Effects of online campaigns on social media: Voters’ behavior on Twitter in the 2010 Elections. Revista Compolitica, 3, 7-28.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2013). Social network sites and voters’ behavior: Facebook and electoral decision-making in the 2012 Elections in Juiz de Fora – MG. Anuário Unesco/Metodista de Comunicação Regional, 17, 95-108.

Rossini, P. G. C., Leal, P. R. F. (2012). Latin-american presidents on Twitter: The challenges of political representation in the context of social networking sites. Cadernos de Estudos Sociais e Políticos, 1(2), 94-117.

Rossini, P. G. C., Leal, P. R. F. (2011). Rethinking voters’ behavior: The influence of social networking sites on electoral decision-making. Contemporanea, 9, 433-447.

Leal, P. R. F, Rossini, P. G. C., Werneck, V. (2012). Political personalization in local elections in Juiz de Fora – MG. Libertas, 12, 1-26.

Book Chapters

Rossini, P. (2020). Beyond Toxicity in the Online Public Sphere: Understanding Incivility in Online Political Talk. W. Dutton (Ed.). A Research Agenda for Digital Politics  (160 – 170). Edgar Elgar Publishing.

Rossini, P., & Stromer-Galley, J. (2019). Citizen deliberation online. In B. Grofman, E. Suhay, & A. Trechsel. (eds). Oxford handbook of electoral persuasion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190860806.013.14

Rossini, P. (2019). Toxic for whom? Examining the targets of uncivil and intolerant discourse in online political talk. P. Moy & D. Matheson (eds). Voices: Exploring the Shifting Contours of Communication (221 – 242). New York: Peter Lang.

Rossini, P. (2019). Disentangling Uncivil and Intolerant Discourse. In R. Boatright, T. Shaffer, S. Sobieraj, & D. Young (eds). A crisis of civility? Contemporary research on civility, incivility, and political discourse (142 – 157). New York: Routledge.

Rossini, P.; Baptista, E. A.; Sampaio, R. C. ; Oliveira, V. V. (2018). Attack Networks? Negative Campaigining on Facebook in the 2014 Presidential Elections in Brazil. In: Rousiley C.M. Maia; Ana C. Vimieiro; Kelly Prudêncio. (Org.). Democracia em Ambientes Digitais no Brasil. 1ed. Salvador: Edufba, p. 1-22.

Rossini, P. G. C., Baptista, E., Veiga, V. O., & Sampaio, R. C. (2017). Facebook Use in the 2014 Brazilian Elections: The Influence of Opinion Polls in Online Campaigns. In: E. Cervi, M. Massuchin, F.  Carvalho (Orgs.). Internet e Eleições no Brasil (1st ed., pp. 149-179). Paraná: CPOP.

Rossini, P. G. C., & Maia, R. C. M. (2016) Is political participation online effective? A case study of the e-democracy initiative conducted by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. Politics and social activism: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (Reprinted from Handbook of research on advanced ICT integration for governance and policy modeling, by P. Sonntagbauer, K. Nazemi, S. Sonntagbauer & D. Burkhardt, 2014, IGI Global), 844–865. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9461-3.ch043

Maia, R. C. M., Rossini, P. G. C., Oliveira, V. V., & Oliveira, A. G. (2016). Political contestation and digital media: investigating the ‘we’ of collective action. In E. Jesus, E. Trindade, J. Janotti Jr., M. Roxo (Orgs.). Reinvenção Comunicacional da Política. (1ed. pp. 47 – 63). Salvador: EDUFBA.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2015). Political Behavior in Social Network Sites: Facebook as an informational shortcut for voters’ decision making on 2012’ local elections in Juiz de Fora – MG. In A. Aldé, F. P. J Marques. (Orgs.). Internet e Poder local. (1ed. pp. 231-263). Salvador: EDUFBA.

Rossini, P. G. C., Maia, R. C. M.. (2014). Is political participation online effective? A case study of the e-democracy initiative conducted by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. In P. Sonntagbauer, K. Nazemi, S. Sonntagbauer & D. Burkhardt (Eds.) Handbook of research on advanced ICT integration for governance and policy modeling, (pp. 341-362). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6236-0.ch018

Maia, R. C. M. , Garcês, R. L., Oliveira, V. V. , Miola, E., Neves, B., Gonçalves, A., Rossini, P., Lycarião, D., & Cal, D. (2014). Critical Theory and Communication Studies: an empirical agenda for Jurgen Habermas and Axel Honneth. In V. V. França, A. Aldé, M. C. Ramos. (Orgs.). Teorias da Comunicação no Brasil: reflexões contemporâneas (1st ed., pp. 197-220). Salvador, Bahia.

 Rossini, P. G. C., Queiroz, A. J. M. (2013). Interaction agency on social network profiles: An approach of semiotic niches on virtual identities. In N.V., Orden (Ed.). Navigating Cybercultures, (pp. 21-30). Oxford, UK: Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2011). Political participation in the social media era: A case study of #Eleições2010 on Twitter. In N. Santos, R. Carlos. Mídias Sociais e Eleições 2010 (1st ed., pp. 126-134). Salvador, Bahia: Papercliq.

Published Conference Proceedings

Yacubov, H., & Rossini, P. (2020, March 23). Trends in incivility and intolerance: An analysis of political Facebook comments during the 2016 election. IConference 2020 Proceedings. iConference.

Xia, H., Østerlund C., McKernan, B., Folkestad, J., Rossini, P., Boichak, O., Robinson, J., Kenski, K., Myers, R., Clegg, B.A., Stromer-Galley, J. (2019). TRACE: A Stigmergic Crowdsourcing Platform for Intelligence Analysis. Proceedings of the 52 Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS-52).

Boichak,O., Canzonetta, J., Sitaula, N., McKernan, B., Taylor, S., Rossini, P., Clegg, B.A., Kenski, K., Martey, R.M., McCracken, N., Østerlund, C., Myers, R., Folkestad, J., Stromer-Galley, J. (2019). Beyond the Medium: Rethinking Information Literacy through Crowdsourced Analysis. Proceedings of the 52 Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, (HICSS-52).

 Rossini, P. G. C., Hemsley, J., Tanupabrungsun, S., Zhang, F., Robinson, J., & Stromer-Galley, J. (2017). Social media, U.S. presidential campaigns, and public opinion polls: Disentangling effects. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society (p. 56:1–56:5). New York, NY, USA: ACM.

Stromer-Galley, J., Rossini, P., Hemsley, J., Kenski, K., Zhang, F., Bryant, L., Semaan, B. (2016). Social media, U.S. presidential campaigns, and public opinion polls: Disentangling effects. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research: The 17 Annual conference of The Association of Internet Researchers, 5-6 October. Berlin, Germany.

Rossini, P. G. C. (2013). Is Political Participation Online Effective? A Case Study of the e-Democracy Project Conducted by the Federal Chamber of Deputies in Brazil.  Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference Cybercultures: Exploring Critical Issues Prague, Czech Republic. Oxford, UK.:

Rossini, P. G. C., Queiroz, A. J. M. (2012). Interaction Agency on Social Network Profiles: An Approach of Semiotic Niches on Virtual Identities. Proceedings of the 7th Global Conference Visions of Humanity in Cyberculture, Cyberspace and Science Fiction. Oxford, UK:

Book Reviews

Rossini, P. G. C. (2017). Pax technica: How the internet of things may set us free or lock us up. Journal of Communication 67, E4 – E5.